Alpaca Husbandry and Handling Day
Book Now

Click the Book Now button to reserve your places on our upcoming workshops
Dates currently available to book:

  • Summer 2025 TBC.

  • For alternative dates click the Book Now option to join our WAIT LIST or contact us for more details.

For additional information about alternative dates soon to be released please contact us at 

This informative and practical workshop is ideal for those new to alpacas, or for prospective owners. The introductory workshop is held at Acton Hill Alpacas, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 4FE, (just over a mile from junction 15 of M6), our excellent facilities allow us to run the workshops comfortably – whatever the weather.

This is a full-on practical day where we look at basic husbandry and handling- whilst also being fun and informative. There will be plenty of opportunity to get hands-on with the alpacas and to ask lots of questions. Full workshop notes are provided at the start of the day and include lots of additional useful information for reference once you are back home. 

Course Topics

  • Catching Alpacas
  • Head Collar Fitting
  • Halter Training
  • Feeding and Basic Management
  • Vaccination, Worming & Supplements

Workshop Fees, Refreshments, Lunch & Summary Notes

  • Workshop fee is £99 plus VAT
  • Refreshments & lunch are included in the workshop fee.
  • Summary notes are issued at the start of the workshop

What to Wear  

You will need to wear appropriate clothing for the weather and time of year. Please bring outdoor boots or shoes for dipping in disinfectant before entering the paddocks. This is a health and safety requirement to adhere to farm biosecurity.

Start & Finish Times

Arrival from 8.30am for 9am start

Finish 4.30pm

Any Questions?

Please contact us at if you need any help before booking. 

Alpaca Husbandry and Handling Day
Book Now

Booking Terms & Conditions

  • All fees stated are exclusive of VAT at the current rate.
  • All bookings and payment in advance must be made through our website.
  • You must be at least eighteen years old at the time of booking.
  • Your workshop fee includes lunch(es), refreshments and summary notes (when relevant).
  • If there are places available on a workshop, we will accept bookings until the workshop starts.
  • Late applicants will usually have their place on the course confirmed by telephone or email. If, however, you have not received confirmation within 24 hours of your transaction on our website, it is your responsibility to check the status of your booking. 

If you cancel 

  • You may cancel your place 30 days or more before the workshop start date. If you do, you will be entitled to a refund of the workshop fee, less an administrative charge of £20 to cover our costs.
  • If you cancel your booking less than 30 days before the start date of your workshop the following refund policy applies:
    • 29 days before booking date – 50%
    • 14 days or more – 30%
    • less than 14 days – nil
  • You must make your cancellation request in writing. We accept emails to but not text or SMS messages as the service is not reliable.
  • Please note that refunds can take up to three weeks to process. 

If you wish to transfer 

  • If you wish to transfer within 30 days of the workshop start date, you can only do so if we can find a replacement for your place.
  • If we find a replacement, you may transfer to another workshop, subject to an administrative charge of £20.
  • We will offer you alternative dates depending on availability of places. If these dates are unsuitable for you, then our cancellation policy as described above applies. Your entitlement to a refund will depend on the number of days’ notice you give us.
  • We will agree to a maximum of 1 transfer.
  • You must make your transfer request in writing. We accept emails to but not text or SMS messages as the service is not reliable. 


  • If you are unable to attend a workshop you may transfer your place to a substitute up to one week before the workshop start date.
  • You must notify us in writing and provide the substitute student’s name and contact details.
  • There is an £20 administration charge for each substitution.


  • If you are unable to attend a workshop due to illness, personal or other reasons, you do not have a right to a refund or a transfer.
  • However, in such an event we will consider all the circumstances and take such action that we consider to be fair and reasonable.
  • If we offer you a place on an alternative workshop there may be an additional administrative charge of £20. 

If we cancel or postpone a workshop 

  • Please note that our workshops have minimum attendance levels and we may have to cancel a workshop if we receive too few bookings.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or postpone training workshops when external circumstances beyond our control would pose an unacceptable risk to either our alpacas and / or participants if we were to go ahead.
  • If we cancel a workshop, we shall do our best to give you at least one week’s notice and you will have the option of transferring to another workshop or of having a full refund of the fees, which we will return to you within three weeks.
  • If a workshop is cancelled for reasons for which we are responsible, including staff illness, we will make every reasonable effort to reschedule the workshop. We apologise for this inconvenience and urge you to ring us if you have any concerns.
  • We will not be liable for any losses (including, but not limited to, travel and accommodation costs) arising because of any postponement or cancellation of one of our workshops beyond the full refund of the fee. 


During the whole time of your participation in a workshop run by us, you are automatically insured for Public Liability and the risk to the alpacas is entirely ours.   

General Booking Conditions 

  • We reserve the right to alter workshop content and change workshop trainers without notice should this become necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.
  • There is always an element of risk associated with handling alpacas. We take our responsibility for your health and safety and the welfare of our alpacas seriously and will take all reasonable steps to ensure your health, safety and wellbeing while attending a workshop. However, alpacas are flesh and blood and their behaviour is not always predictable. We ask you to always follow the instructions given by your workshop trainer for your personal safety.
  • We reserve the right to cancel the attendance of any participant who at any time appears to constitute a risk to her/himself, other participants or our alpacas. Any expenses incurred shall be the responsibility of that participant and no refund will be made. 


  • Vehicles and contents are left in our parking area entirely at owners’ risk.
  • We do not allow dogs or pets on our farm for your health and safety and for our alpacas’ welfare. 

Photographic / Video / Audio Recording 

  • For legal reasons, and to respect other participants, the use of photographic, audio or visual recording is not permitted during any workshop, without our express permission.
  • We may take photographs or video recording of workshops during your visit for training and marketing purposes. We will only do so with your consent and after we have explained how we propose to use the visual media. 

Force Majeure 

  • We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance, in whole or part, of any of our obligations arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving our workforce or the workforce of any other party), act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, terrorism, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery or heating, lighting, air conditioning or telecommunications equipment, fire, flood, storm, pandemics, epidemics or other outbreaks of disease or infection, or failure in the external supply of electricity, water or telecommunications (including internet) connections. 

Applicable Law 

  • These terms and conditions shall be read and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute between us will be dealt with by the English Courts.

Alpaca Husbandry and Handling Day
Book Now