All Acton Hill Alpacas were tested in November 2017 for bTB using the Enferplex bTB serological blood test and received 100% negative results, routine Enferplex tests including all incoming or outgoing sales have continued to date.
Alpaca Well-Being
Our alpacas are our family so we take every step to ensure their good health. The biosecurity measures at Acton Hill Alpacas are designed to protect our animals and allow them to thrive.
Here are some of the ways we safeguard the well-being of our herd:
- We routinely test our alpacas for BVD, TB, Coccidia, Resistant Worms, Mites and Liver Fluke
- We keep accurate and up-to-date health records of all our herd
- Our paddocks are surround by electric fences to keep out animals that pose health threats
- We have a combination of dug in badger proof stock fencing and high deer fencing
- 3 metre separation runways are around the 25 acre site
- We routinely bTB test our alpacas and any movements are always carried out by ourselves using our secure transportation with strict biosecure measures in place
- All alpacas visiting Acton Hill Alpacas are kept separately from our herd on hard standing
- Once visiting alpacas have left, we remove any faeces and disinfect all areas
- All visitors to Acton Hill Alpacas must dip their boots or shoes in our disinfection foot baths before entering
- All our boots are disinfected both before and after visiting other herds and farms to avoid potential infection spreading
- All visitors must wash hands on entry & exit
- Post-mortem examinations are carried out as necessary to check for any potential problems